Using original research from the National Archives, British Rail Class 60 Locomotives is a high illustrated guide that explores the commissioning of the Class 60s and their construction, testing and running.
locomotives, initially numbered in the range D9000–D9021, were built at the English Electric Vulcan Foundry in ... had begunto be fitted inlate 1964 to thefinal sixty examples of the English ElectricType 3CoCo (Class 37) locomotive.
In a feast of railway nostalgia, this gloriously illustrated book celebrates the history of British-built main line diesel locomotives constructed between 1947 and 1993.
The book provides a record of the main specifications of each class of locomotive, and details of variations, including: numbers, liveries, headcodes, headlights, wheel arrangements and bogies, brakes, names and - where appropriate - ...
An outstanding collection of photographs revealing the life and times of BR-liveried locomotives and rolling stock at a when they could be seen all across the network
This book looks at the short history of these two classes, making extensive use of archive sources, combined with the primary observations of numerous enthusiasts.
A terrific pictorial tribute to the type 4 locomotives that hauled trains and served the British railways.
Class 37 The 309 class 37 locomotives were built mainly by English Electric at the Vulcan Foundry, the remainder by Robert Stephenson and Hawthorn on Tyneside. Construction was between 1960 and 1965. The class differed from the other ...
I have now had an opportunity of discussing this with the Chief Mechanical Engineer and he has agreed the basic scheme outlined in your colour drawing. 'The main body of the locomotive will be British Railways Locomotive Green and the ...
The book also covers the technical aspects and specifications of the locomotives, including liveries and detailing. This book will be of great interest to all railway and diesel loco enthusiasts.