• Examines the Oldawan, the Ancient Soul of Africa, and its correlation with what modern psychologists have defined as the collective unconscious • Draws on archaeology, DNA research, history, and depth psychology to reveal how the ...
The distinguished Austrian psychiatrist examines the essential reality and significance of mankind's unconscious spirituality and awareness of the God within and the interrelationship between psychotherapy and theology
This work has always been a work in progress. Having reached the age of 80 years, his studies are coming to an end. This work is a start on the path of higher learning to understand how man got here and where man is going to go.
In this book, S. J. McGrath not only makes Schelling's ideas accessible to a general audience, he uncovers the romantic philosopher's seminal role as the creator of a concept which shaped and defined late nineteenth- and early twentieth ...
Fr. Ó Madagáin also unpacks the processes at work in centering prayer and clears up some of the common misunderstandings that surround it.
This book provides an in-depth analysis of of the logotherapy of Viktor Frankl and delves into the spiritual depths of an inherent search for meaning in life.
Mysticism, Metaphysics and Maritain: On the Road to the Spiritual Unconscious
The author search also where the necessary energy could come from. Auteur : Lomer Pilote is actually 84 years old, retired from two professions, surgery and law. He had lost his religious faith et had not found any faith of replacement.
Both were trained in psychosynthesis in the early 1970s, and Firman trained with Roberto Assagioli.
This is a book of poetry; but, it is first and foremost a psychological work.