Between 1928 and 1930, the Paris magazine Le Grand Jeu (The Great Game) ran to three issues. During its brief period of activity, however, Le Grand Jeu was more than a little magazine that vanished in the orbit of the Surrealist movement. The journal was the public face of a tightly-bound group of artists and writers who since adolescence had systematically attacked their perceptions of reality by means such as drugs and near-death experiences. The theory of Le Grand Jeu is presented in the group's own words, through the essays and articles which formed the magazine.
... Arnold THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Michael Hoskin THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY William H. Brock THE HISTORY OF CHILDHOOD ... Tuck HOLLYWOOD Peter Decherney THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Joachim Whaley HOME Michael Allen Fox HOMER Barbara Graziosi ...
本书收入的散文有: 我的画像, 致马尔泽尔布总监先生的四封信, "忏悔录"草稿, 在朗读"忏悔录"前发表的谈话, 社会各阶层人士对我的态度等.
Point de vue de l'éditeurOn ne s'habille pas pour éblouir les autres femmes ou pour les embêter.
Denemeler Essais