Addresses the question of whether membership in Freemasonry is compatible with one's duty as a practicing Christian. It includes the entire and authentic text of the Masonic ritual of the first three degrees and of the Royal Arch.
~George Washington Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia he Battle of Opequam took place in Virginia very near the end of the Civil War in Virginia—very shortly before the deci- sive Union victory at Gettysburg. The battle is more commonly ...
Notes on Royal Arch Masonry
This book is a new edition of David Stevenson's classic account of the origins of Freemasonry, a brotherhood of men bound together by secret initiatives, rituals and modes of identification with ideals of fraternity, equality, toleration ...
But where had this powerful organization come from and why had Freemasonry been attacked by the Roman Catholic Church? Robinson answers those questions and more.
Warren!: The Bond of Brotherhood
Whether you are the girlfriend, wife, partner, or close relation of a Freemason or Freemason-to-be, you will find within this light-hearted book the answer to almost every question you will initially need to know about Freemasonry.
Craft and Conflict: Masonic Trench Art and Military Memorabilia
There is now no published theory to explain the enigma of the Turin Shroud that fits the known evidence. Many people want the shroud to be proof of Christ's mission, but Knight and Lomas prove that it is not.
The lost secrets of freemasonry -- The search begins -- The Knights Templar -- The gnostic connection -- Jesus Christ: man, god, myth or freemason -- In the beginning man made god -- The legacy of the egyptians -- The first freemason -- The ...
A Journey Through Freemasonry