Everyone loses chess games occasionally, but all too often we lose a game due to moves that, deep down, we knew were flawed. Why do we commit these chess-board sins? Are they the result of general misconceptions about chess and how it should be played? And how can we recognize the warning signs better? In this thought-provoking and entertaining book, Jonathan Rowson investigates, in his inimitable style, the main reasons why chess-players sometimes go horribly astray, focusing on the underlying psychological pitfalls: * Thinking (unnecessary or erroneous) * Blinking (missing opportunities; lack of resolution) * Wanting (too much concern with the result of the game) * Materialism (lack of attention to non-material factors) * Egoism (insufficient awareness of the opponent and his ideas) * Perfectionism (running short of time; trying too hard) * Looseness ("losing the plot"; drifting; poor concentration) Jonathan Rowson became Scotland's third grandmaster in late 1999, within months of graduating from Oxford University. He was runner-up in the 1997 European Junior Championship, Scottish Champion in 1999 and winner of the Canadian Open in 2000. Rowson's first book, Understanding the Grünfeld, has been highly praised for the quality and originality of his writing, and freshness of approach.
单车杀王单车杀王是理论杀王较难的一部分。王不能逼近后,但是可以斜线逼近车。所以,单车不能逼退对方的王,只有王和车配合起来才行。单车杀王的基本方法是将对方的王逼至底线、边线或角落,然后利用车的等着逼迫对方形成对王,最后杀王。如果已经把对方对王 ...
本书分为初级官子手筋、死活中的官子、实战常形的官子、官子类型和大小四单元,主要包括:先手官子、防守官子、后手官子、反击错着、活棋中的官子、反击错着、攻杀中的官子 ...
少儿围棋标准化教程同步训练与标准化教程配合使用。由于标准化教程的篇幅所限,在课堂练习当中不能配置更多的习题,所以根据课堂讲解的内容,增加了有针对性的习题,以便指 ...
少儿围棋标准化教程同步训练与标准化教程配合使用。由于标准化教程的篇幅所限,在课堂练习当中不能配置更多的习题,所以根据课堂讲解的内容,增加了有针对性的习题,以便指 ...
本书分为目数的计算、初级官子手段、正着与错着、官子类型和大小四个单元,主要包括:有吃子的目数、需要补棋的目数、双活的目数、官子基本手段、一线的官子、一线的飞、二 ...
本书是围棋培训班的正式教材。每一分册共有十五课时的内容。每一课当中包括知识要点、课堂内容、课堂练习和延伸阅读四个部分,并另有围棋故事、围棋游戏、围棋级位测试等专 ...
英才?出的中?百年名校北大、清?、复旦、浙大等等,在?里培?的?子都有?超?的思?能力以及解???的能力,均掌握人?思???中最有用的?金思?方法。 ,思?拓展游??委?主?的《中?名校天才生必做的1000?思?游?(超值彩?版)》精?了?些名校的B8S、??、考??以及?生最喜?做的思????等共?1000?极具挑?性的思?游??,?些思?游?包括?形思考游?、??推理游?、?意思?游?、???用游?、逆向思?游?、探索推理游?、整体思?游?、文字趣味游?、??益智游?、?筋急??游?于一体,?益智游?以??的方式展?出?,游?中??智慧,思考中??思?,?你?松??大?思?,全面提升智力。 ,玩出?的思?,?出?的??,思?游?是富有智慧和挑?性的?松有趣的??思?、提高智力的有效方法,并且由于年?增?各种能力退化的人通?思?游???得越?越?明。《中?名校天才生必做的1000?思?游?(超值彩?版)》是小?生、中?生、大?生、成年人提升思?的最佳?外?物。
Questions of all chess players are answered by the greatest legends of the game.