This text provides information on the most important things that one needs to know about how to buy information systems effectively. It describes the process and challenges involved in buying information technology - hardware, software, development and services. The book covers the practical steps for buying IT, including a review of the approach to negotiating effective contracts, without legalistic jargon. Typical problems that plague IT projects are examined and solutions offered. Finally, the book lists the author's Laws of IT procurement - 10 one liners that tell the reader all he or she needs to know to operate well in this market.
Presents the critical elements of technology procurement, explaining the vital links between technology, finance, strategic sourcing and programme management.
SBA's procurement of information technology hardware and software through Isika Technologies, Inc. .
The present work by Sascha Weber addresses procurement which deals with business partners beyond the boundaries of one's organization.
Information Technology Procurement Practices at the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Department Operations, Nutrition, and Foreign...
Audit of NRC's information technology procurement process /
There, as this book will argue, existing legislation governing public procurement presents obstacles to the use of public technology procurement as a means of stimulating and supporting technological innovation.
As governments search for the best ways to restyle their services, the E-Government field continues to attract interest from public administrators, politicians, academics, and citizens.