I was also called in to London to pose in litter-choked alleys for a photographer called Jerry Bauer – a nice friendly chap who has photographed Dirk Bogarde, Julie Christie, Sidney Sheldon, Marian Bradley.
Aaron Allston, “Defenders of Beeman County,” Rayguns Over Texas. ———. “Epistoleros,” Shadows of the New Sun. Ken Altabef, “The Artist, Deeply, Brushes,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd quarter. ———. “The Woman Who Married the Snow,” F&SF, July/August ...
"There used to be a pukpuk town in these woods." Spur was itching to move on. "They built all along the creek. It's overgrown now, but we could go look at the ruins." The High Gregory stepped off the bank onto a flat stone that stuck ...
... Star Trek, and other media tie-in books, both solo and written with husband Dean Wesley Smith and with others. ... in Stained Black: Horror Stories, Stories for an Enchanted Afternoon, Little Miracles and Other Tales of Murder, ...
He had always liked how round the pukpuk sounds were, how they rolled in his mouth. ... Almost all of these pukpuks could trace their ancestry back to some ancient who had made planetfall on the first colonizing ships.
Neal. Asher. I grace Bird with gender yet I still do not know if she is a living creature or a machine . She has the disquieting beauty of something as perfectly functional as a honed blade, her body-shape that of an Arctic tern ...
Many of the Gallagher stories featured robots , whose alloy of human and mechanical features was a fertile source of mistaken identity jokes that had already been exploited by such writers as J. Storer Clouston in Button Brains ( 1933 ) ...
Gridlinked is the first sci-fi thriller in Neal Asher's compelling Agent Cormac series.
Brass Man is the third novel in Neal Asher's popular Agent Cormac series.
The Skinner is the first book in Neal Asher's Spatterjay series set in a lethal waterworld.