I then compare Cesaire's Caribbean "shape" to that of Rene Depestre, and a quite different model emerges. I find that Africa is relatively absent in Depestre's work: Europe is not presented as a threat; and that Depestre, unlike Cesaire, sees, in the Caribbean, an energy and a creativity brought about by the historical fusion of disparate cultures. I consider how the reality of Depestre's long exile from the Caribbean has affected his views of the islands.
... Antonio Carlos Moraes et Victor Soria pour les discussions menées sur ce sujet. * Le concept de régime d'accumulation adopté dans ce travail est emprunté à Boyer, l987, p.46. * On adopte dans ce travail le concept de Sécurité.
Marshall , Brown Girl , Brownstones , 66 . 10. Mary Helen Washington , afterword to Brown Girl , Brownstones , by Paule Marshall ( New York : Feminist Press , 1981 ) , 312–13 . 11. Washington , afterword , 312 . 12.
British. Guiana. Writer. A visionary and original novelist, Harris left school at 17 to become a land surveyor and led ... He turned, therefore, to poetic prose to present the spirit of Amerindian mythology in conflict with the European ...
This book explores the ways in which the history of transplantation and settlement has provided unique challenges and opportunities for establishing a sense of place and an environmental ethic in the Caribbean.
... d'un texte où Deleuze traite de la figure philosophique qui se trouve au coeur de la pensée de l'antillianité et de ... et raisons des îles désertes,” dans Deleuze, L'Île déserte et autres textes: Textes et entretiens 1953–1974, éd.
Collection of essays that "consider the distinctive needs of research in Caribbean literature, language and culture and focus on honing research methods relevant to Caribbean material and the insights of the Caribbean experience".
This book investigates twentieth- and twenty-first-century Caribbean literatures in translation.
... Themes in African- Guyanese History ( 1998 ) and Walter Rodney The Historian ( 2006 ) , and several scholarly articles including , " The Origins of Slave Rebellions in the Middle Passage , " and " African Resistance to the Atlantic ...
The story of the birth of the world's first independent black republic has since held an iconic fascination for a diverse array of writers, artists, and intellectuals throughout the Atlantic diaspora.