Everybody loves a list but this is a list of major ambition: namely, to select the best 100 novels in the English language, published from the late 17th century to the present day. This list has been built up week by week in The Observer since September 2013, and selected by writer and Observer editor Robert McCrum. With a short critique on each book, this is a real delight for literary lovers.
A list and commentary on 100 key fiction titles translated into English from languages worldwide, spanning 300 years.
Rates and evaluates one hundred noteworthy novels, from the medieval Japanese "Tale of Genji" to contemporary works, and provides summaries, details about their origins, critical opinions, and an account of their impact.
This is a love story. The story of the world before, but mostly after the day Imagine becomes possible. A tale of dreams and a revolution in love.
In an effort to escape the hypocrisies of life at his boarding school, sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield seeks refuge in New York City.
Fantasy books by authors from classic literature includes works of Johnathan Swift, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Robert Louis Stevenson, Oscar Wilde, and Franz Kafka.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Men and Women of the Corporation "The problems with absolute power... lie in the fact that it renders everyone else powerless. On the other hand, empowering more people through generating more autonomy, ...
The hundred books discussed here have radically altered the course of civilisation , whether they have embodied religions practised by millions, achieved the pinnacle of artistic expression, pointed the way...
Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels : an English-language Selection, 1946-1987
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE • A searing, post-apocalyptic novel about a father and son's fight to survive, this "tale of survival and the miracle of goodness only adds to McCarthy's stature as a living master.
Acclaim for Kazuo Ishiguro's N E V E R L E T M E G O FINAL IST FOR T H E M A N B O O KER PRIZE 'Kazuo Ishiguro is a master storyteller, in a class of his own making. ... [He] throws light on ordinary human life, the human soul, ...