"This is the most comprehesive source of information on all the nomadic peoples of the world. Maps help you to locate these nomadic people groups, many of them unevangelized; black and white photographs enable you to visualize them, and people profiles and bibliographic data facilitate research." -- from back cover.
Based on research by authors at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research.
It prepares them for the very next liminal experience, when they join Jesus for three days of further miracles among the multitudes and participation in a second mass feeding (15:29–38, cf. 14:13–21). The two mass feedings, ...
Weaving together a range of 'border' themes - migration, postcolonialism, living in exile, and the immigrant experience - these readings bring fresh new insights to scholars, clergy, and others with backgrounds in contemporary theology and ...
In 1893, Chinese Americans Fong Yue Ting, Wong Quan, and Lee Joe were arrested and charged with violation of the Geary Act, which required all Chinese to register with the federal government. Violation was punishable by deportation.
Europe has a long history of state-led population displacement on ethnic grounds. The nationalist argument of ethnic homogeneity has been a crucial factor in the mapping of the continent.
This book is a challenge to all those invested in the rights and study of migrants to move toward more equitable advocacy for all border crossers.
The contributors to this volume are women and men from different ethnic backgrounds, working and living on five continents. The internationality of the contributors gives this volume a unique global perspective on migration and mission.
This book takes a hard look at the existing evidence available to policymakers in different regions of the world. How much do we really know about the impact of environmental change on migration?
She offers a comprehensive framework for responding to the many challenges which have recently emerged, and for delivering justice for people on the move along with those affected by migration.
Based on rich interview data drawn from a large scale longitudinal study of homeless young people, this book examines the personal, familial and structural factors that impact on homeless young people’s long-term outcomes.