Panic attacks are a much more common problem than is generally realised and affect a large proportion of the population. They can manifest themselves in many ways including agoraphobia, anticipatory anxiety, separation anxiety, school or work phobia. This book explains what Panic Attacks are, the causes, how panic affects daily life and the associated disorders. Conventional treatments together with their side effects are explained and alternative remedies including acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, massage are covered. Karen Sullivan gives reassuring short term measures to help deal with an attack, together with other advice, Top Ten Tips to help cope in the long term.
Panic attacks happen when the body's emergency button is being pressed continuously. Breathlessness, chest pains, sweating, shaking, dizziness and fainting are all among the symptoms, and the experience can be...
So did Joshua Fletcher, the author of the self-published bestseller ANXIETY: PANICKING ABOUT PANIC - but he treated his own condition successfully, went back to school, became a counsellor and emerged as one of the country's leading experts ...
This book also tells you about stress and anxiety, and their causes. Their effects to your mind and body are also discussed in this book, as well as how you can successfully avoid them. In This Book You Will Learn .
Overcoming Panic Attacks is filled with effective strategies that offer you different ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving so you can increase your flexibility in uncomfortable situations and go after the life you want.
This book has provided you with an introduction to the problems caused by panic attacks and what you can do to overcome ... Panic by Derrick Silove and Vijaya Manicavasagar, published by Robinson Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks ...
You deserve to be free from these troublesome moments, and the ten easy and effective techniques you'll find in 10 Simple Solutions to Panic make it not only possible but also easy.
... Coping Successfully with Chronic Illness: Your healing plan Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia Dr Tom Smith Coping Successfully with Pain Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks Shirley Trickett Coping ...
... Coping Successfully with Chronic Illness: Your healing plan Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia Dr Tom Smith Coping Successfully with Pain Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks Shirley Trickett Coping ...
This new edition of Coping with Headaches and Migraine explains how lifestyle measures can help and updates the research on causes, treatments and ways to cope.
... Coping Successfully with Chronic Illness: Your healing plan Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia Dr Tom Smith Coping Successfully with Pain Neville Shone Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks Shirley Trickett Coping ...