Whether you want a turf roof, solar-powered hot water, or a super-insulated (and cost-efficient) house, you need to know the essential elements of the selfbuild process. In The Green Self-Build Book, Jon Broome gives an overview of the different methods of sustainable and eco-friendly construction techniques, and presents this information in a way that is relevant to non-professionals. The book includes case studies of green building techniques such as earth & straw bale buildings.
The Green Self-Build Book gives inspiration and information to guide you through the green self-build process. It is intended for anyone who is planning a self-build project, and also for housing professionals, students and teachers.
Resource added for the Civil Engineering Technology program 106071.
For courses in Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Materials, and Construction Methods & Materials offered in Civil, Environmental, or Construction engineering departments.
The Dr. R. M. Ross House in Artesia , New Mexico , was constructed of rockface concrete block by John Hodges in 1906. Artesia Historical Museum and Art Center , Chamber of Commerce Collection . of workmen is employed .
Material Considerations in Planning: The Significance of National Policy Guidance and Local Planning Policies in the Determination of Section 78...
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This bright book is just right for all inquisitive toddlers.
5.9 Constructive transverse profile of the road with a width of the carriageway of 4.5–6.0 m; pavement design: 1—medium-grained asphalt concrete, h = 4 cm; 2—coarse-grained asphalt con= 5 cm; 3—burnt rock crushed stone impregnated with ...