4 Swiderska K. , Daño E., Dubois O. (2001): Developing the Philippines' Executive Order No. 247 on Access to Genetic Resources Series Overview: Swiderska K. (2001): Stakeholder Participation in Policy on Access to Genetic Resources, ...
The book was an immediate success as thousands were touched by the power of this spiritual gift. The Hidden Power of Speaking in Tongues again explores this spiritual experience powerfully prevalent in the early church.
This book is part of the Foundation Series by Pastor Ron Phillips. The series will contain books describing the basic foundational truths for the Spirit-filled believer.
Though not a Biblical study, this book shares some very unorthodox personal insights to the subject. As coarse as it is towards conventional understandings of Tongues, this book does not condemn the practice, just the presumptions.
"Written for lay Christians, this is a level-headed and clear presentation of what God had in mind when He made appointed the gift of tongues for the church.
Through his careful and thorough analysis of the Pentecostal texts in the Book of Acts, Dr. Walston is challenging this view. This book is beyond doubt one of the most thought-provoking analyses on this theme I have ever read.
This innovative volume seeks to enhance our understanding and appreciation of glossolalia by examining it from a range of different angles.
Speaking in Tongues and Its Significance for the Church
It is time to resolve the contention rather than throw out the gift of speaking in tongues.
Speaking in Tongues
Speak in Tongues?