This guide provides easy-to-follow advice for creating life story books. It is aimed at all client groups and levels of ability. It can be used by people with learning disabilities themselves, or by people working with them. The benefits of using life story books makes this guide a valuable resource for all people who are involved in the lives of people with learning disabilities.
... TN 37830 Peggy Meier , Executive Director Carol Plasil , Development Spec . Part of the national , nonprofit organization which records educational and career - related materials for print impaired students and professionals .
Morris, J. (1993) 'Independent living and community care', Critical Social Policy, 14(40): 24–45. Morris, J. (2004) 'Review of Witnesses to change', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34(3): 124–7. Morris, P. (1969) Put Away.
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What Works for Parents with Learning Disabilites? examines how we can support adults with learning disabilities in their parenting, which assessments are most effective in assessing a family's strengths and needs, how interventions can be ...
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