A gifted education Legacy Award winner, Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and Talented Students provides a thorough introduction to methods for developing social-emotional curricula for use with gifted and talented learners...
Practical work books which include a story book for the child. Titles include Helping Children with Loss, Helping Children with Fear, Helping Children with Low SelfEsteem, Speechmark, Bicester. Learning to Become Socially Talented ...
This second edition is fully updated and addresses ways in which we can apply stories and storytelling with children who are troubled.
Grandparents have the obligation to reinforce constructive values established by parents and to maintain a careful regard for the ultimate authority of the parents . Gifted children are quick to sense discrepancies in attitude .
"Ease the Tease uses humor and relatability to provide young children with a toolkit of ten age-appropriate, practical, memorable, and customizable strategies for dealing with teasing"--
There are so many discrete schemes to be covered that teachers feel they have no time to treat their pupils as ... so busy teaching talking and listening, I don't have time to discuss what the children did at the weekend' (Ellis and ...
Reid, J.B., Taplin, P., & Loeber, R. (1981). A social interactional approach to the treatment of abusive families. In R. Stewart (Ed.), Violent behavior: Social learning approaches to prediction management and treatment.
I believe that the emotional state of mind is at the heart of our successes, emotional, social and academic. Watch out for learned hopelessness. When things have got really bad, such children and adults become vulnerable.
This handy guide to developing social-emotional curricula for gifted students is a necessity for anyone serving and working with this population. Educational Resource
A Life-Span Developmental Approach Joseph Veroff, Joanne B. Veroff. Lepper, M. R., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. E. Undermining children's ... Maier, N. R. F. Frustration: The study of behavior without a goal. New York: McGraw Hill, 1949.