A detailed look at the sensuous female nudes of artist Martin Leman.
Catalog of an exhibition held May 26 - September 23, 2012.
Adorable, amazing, and often quite dangerous - these are the hallmarks of a Dixon girl!
His pin-up girl illustrations display cheeky charm and sultry passion in equally abundant portions! This book contains all-new paintings designed to raise eyebrows and room temperatures!
Running throughout the images, the talismanic white shoes that give the series its name suggest the many adaptations to dominant White culture that were and are still demanded of people of colour.
This book is a perfect gift not only for Madonna fans, but for lovers of photography too.Internationally acclaimed photographer Martin HM Schreiber (1946) was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and immigrated to the United States in 1952.
The pin-up girls painted in the 1940s and 1950s by Alberto Vargas are fiercely fought over by collectors. This work features a collection of Vargas paintings and drawings.
Will Cotton once described himself as landscape painter, but for more than five years now his fantasy scenes have been enriched by soft, scantily clad and nude women enjoying the singularly imagined scenery.
Represents the first feminist survey of the most significant subject in Western art. It reveals how the female nude is now both at the centre and at the margins of high culture.
Catalog of an exhibition held Nov. 30, 2011-Mar. 4, 2012 at Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, and June 22-Sept. 16, 2012 at Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, England.
Jenny Saville in conversation with John Richardson. (pp.4-15)