This report, commissioned under the second round of the Targeted Policing Initiative, presents the findings of a 21-month study of early experiences of implementation of the National Intelligence Model (NIM). The research was focused mainly on three forces which were originally chosen as 'development sites' to act, under close guidance from a national implementation team, as pilots for a general 'roll-out' of the NIM. In the event, the national team did not acquire sufficient resources to fulfil this role, and in the meantime other forces began their own implementation of the Model, so the TPI project did not proceed as planned. Nevertheless, the research produced a good deal of information about the experiences of three very different forces in trying to put the NIM into practice, as well as about broader developments across the country. All forces are now required to become NIM compliant by April 2004, and it is hoped that this report will allow other forces to draw on these experiences in developing and carrying out their own implementation strategies... -- Publisher.
Langford, A., Dean, J., Rooed, R., Holmes, D., Weyers, J. and Jones, A. (2005) Practical Skills in Forensic Science. London: Pearson. Latour, B. (1987) Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineeers through Society.
Irving, B., Bird, C., Hibberd, B. and Willmore, I. (1989) Neighbourhood Policing: The Natural History of a Policing Experiment. London: Police Foundation. Irving, B., Bourne, D. and Collins I. (2001) Crime Tracking: Developing a ...
Part of a new series on evidence-based policing, this book is the first to offer a comprehensive, fully up-to-date account of how police can--and do--use intelligence, assessing the threats and opportunities presented by new digital ...
Topics covered in this book include: • The origins and aims of intelligence-led policing • A comparison of intelligence-led policing with other conceptual models of policing • An exploration of analysis concepts and the role of ...
Weisburd, David, Shawn Bushway, Cynthia Lum and Sue-Ming Yang. 2004. 'Trajectories of crime at places: A longitudinal study of street segments in the City of Seattle.' Criminology 42 (2):283–321. Weisburd, David and John Eck. 2004.
Expanded by three chapters, this edition emphasises intelligence products, risk and threat assessments, and the unfolding complications of intelligence sharing.
Building on the work of Mathieu Deflem, Bayer recognizes the particular advantage that the police enjoy by virtue of their professional autonomy and relative independence from the centers of political decision-making. (Quoted From Defense ...
This book tells the story of how and why the neighbourhood policing model was originally designed and implemented, and then, what has led to a decline in its prominence in terms of everyday police practice.
Anexample of this istheBrixton riotsof 1981 andthe subsequent report published by LordScarman (Scarman 1981). Brown (1998) illustrates how theoccupational culturecandevelop subcultures. Subcultures form whenindividuals embrace different ...
This book provides a critical analysis of the employment of intelligence-led policing (ILP) strategies.