This is a sequel to two highly successful collections of short songs (Come All You People and There Is One Among Us) for use in worship. Here the net is thrown wider with material from Aids-ridden communities in the developing world side by side with recent products from the Wild Goose Resource Group. An ideal collection for small choirs, social justice enthusiasts, multiculturalists and all who regard themselves a global Christian.
Thirty Christmas Hymns: Their Origin and Meaning
The Hymns of Martin Luther: Set to Their Original Melodies, with an English Version
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.
This sequel to the best-selling Our God Reigns, tells the stories behind favorite praise and worship songs like "Ancient of Days"; "I Stand in Awe"; "Change My Heart, O God"; and "Awesome God."
As noted earlier , there was no specific event that prompted the composition of this hymn , but in his personal papers Palmer cites a time of illness and discouragement preceding the night when he sat alone in his study and penned the ...
Hymns of Michael Forster: A Resource for Worship Leaders, Composers and Editors
201 texts for hymns.
The Hymns of W. Vernon Higham
Joy Unspeakable: A Further Collection of English and Welsh Hymns
“ The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose , I will not , I will not desert to His foes ; That soul , though all hell should endeavor to shake , I'll never , no , never , no never forsake ! ” - Rippon's Selections , 1787 Zion ...