The Investment Treaty Forum of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law brings together eminent practitioners, arbitrators, and academics in the dynamic area of international investment law. Members of the Forum, under the British Institute's auspices, examine and debate the legal and policy issues presented by the increasingly complex web of investment treaties and the disputes that arise under them. The Forum held two conferences in 2007: the present volume compiles the papers presented at the conferences as well as a transcript of the round-table discussion on the subject of 'precedent' in international investment arbitration that featured some of the foremost authorities on the subject. Part I of the book is devoted to remedies, compensation and valuation in international investment disputes. This under-theorized area of law is ripe for further exploration by lawyers and economists, and the papers in this volume present a framework for further inquiry. Papers in Part II address the jurisprudence emerging from investment arbitration tribunals on issues such as fair and equitable treatment, 'umbrella' clauses, and nationality of claimants. The overarching question addressed by the papers, and by the concluding roundtable, is the relationship of those decisions with general international law and whether or not there is, or should be, a doctrine of precedent in investment treaty arbitration.
In this revised edition, Jeswald Salacuse examines the law of international investment treaties, specifically in relation to its origins, structure, content, and effect, as well as their impact on international investors and investments, ...
Misfeasance or non-feasance by the foreign investment might also be relevant to the fair and equitable treatment ... and Procedural Aspects,' in N. Horn & S. Kröll, eds, Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes (The Hague: Kluwer, ...
By combining doctrinal, empirical, comparative analysis and unveiling the emerging 'nationally felt' responses to international investment norms, the book aims to facilitate a more informed understanding of the present contours and the ...
Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2012 (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2013) 17 at 17; and Javier García Olmedo 'Recalibrating the International Investment Regime Through Narrowed ...
Bringing together established scholars and practitioners, as well as members of a new generation of international investment lawyers, this volume examines these developments and provides a balanced assessment of the challenges being faced ...
U.S. International Investment Agreements is the definitive interpretative guide to the United States' bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) with investment chapters.
This book is essential reading for a variety of stakeholders, including arbitrators, counsel, scholars and government officials, who will benefit from its in-depth and practical analysis of the VCLT’s relevance to and impact on investment ...
The purpose of this book is to revisit these conceptual foundations in order to shed light on the practice of international investment law.
This book, the first in-depth study of the uses of attribution in international investment law, provides a deeply informed analysis of the treatment of attribution in applicable legal instruments and investment arbitration jurisprudence ...
This is a significant milestone in the ongoing discussions on the reform of the investment treaty dispute settlement regime.