It was an amazing experience for the author when, unbeknown to her husband Thomas who was sleeping at the time, Jesus Christ and St Stephen began speaking through him. This title is a personal account of how it happened and what was taught to a group of people over a period of ten years.
This book offers a comprehensive panorama of modern Roman Catholic ecclesiology as it springs from the vision proclaimed by the Second Vatican Council in Lumen Gentium. The author's central thesis...
This collection of poems explores the saints of the church's history and contemporary persons who embody something of their charism.
This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
At the heart of the Catholic faith stands a mystery, that of the "communion of saints." In this book, Stephen Walford invites us into this mystery so we may better understand what it means to be part of the Mystical Body of Christ.
FEW other tenets of Catholic belief and practice have been combated by the religious revolutionists of the sixteenth century with such persistent violence as that of "The Communion of the Saints"; yet few other tenets of Catholic belief and ...
Maria Kassel undergirds this approach with Jungian psychology , seeing Mary's function as embodying the feminine archetype ; in the Catholic Church her presence provides a continuous link to the primeval , all - embracing feminine ...
On the contrary: your love of Communion should be growing stronger. You can strengthen it now with this wise book from a little-known saint, Peter Julian Eymard.
Divided into five parts, this book provides an account of human nature and sin, before suggesting a way of thinking of love that is rooted both in the doctrine of the Trinity and in the thought of several contemporary analytic thinkers ...
The Little Flower, The Story of St. Therese of the Child Jesus by Mary Fabyan Windeatt-to provide the foundation of God's love for us and to encourage a desire for holiness .
Work of Love investigates the issue of communication within the communio sanctorum and the fullness of Christian hope in the face of the meaning—or meaninglessness—of death.