Nikon F - 2 , 100mm macro lens , Kodachrome 64 Simplicity and continuous gentle movement are the two things the contrast makes the brown more easily seen . Only the brown that initially attract visual interest and then maintain it .
Focus on Photos
Photographically Speaking: A Deeper Look at Creating Stronger Images
Explores ways of composing the shot within the frame, the basics of design, and the many ways of directing the focus of attention.
"Whichever side of the camera you like to be on, this book will show you how, with some simple camera techniques and inexpensive items of wardrobe, you can revolutionize your portfilio.
Perception and Imaging explores the fundamental act of photography - seeing - through a uniquely comprehensive combination of technique, history, visual perception, philosophy and psychology.
A final chapter in this definitive guide for all serious photographers discusses photography and its relationship to art before offering a considered conclusion to the exploration of this fascinating topic.
For over thirty years, Dr. Richard Zakia helped thousands of photographers hone in on their creative vision through the inspirational, informative text and images included in his classic book, Perception and Imaging.
Explores the visual mechanics of photography in its own native terms.