Managing Breathlessness in the Community

Managing Breathlessness in the Community
M&K Update Ltd
Dr Janelle Yorke, June Roberts


Managing breathlessness is an important and often difficult task, especially when dealing with patients in their own homes. The causes of breathlessness may be physiological, pathological, or both; and patients may be suffering from more than one condition at the same time. This makes it a challenge to ensure that the best and most effective form of treatment is provided, according to each patient’s particular needs. Written by experts in the field, Managing Breathlessness in the Community mainly focuses on four conditions (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary hypertension) in which breathlessness is a key and often distressing symptom. The authors also discuss common breathlessness management techniques that are relevant to all patients, regardless of their underlying condition. Aimed at community healthcare workers, this book applies the lessons of clinical research and practice to a wide range of breathlessness interventions, from activity and fitness to pharmacological treatments, rehabilitation, oxygen therapy and patient-specific support. It will be useful to the many practitioners who see breathless patients in their day-to-day practice and have a desire to improve the experience and clinical care that they receive. CONTENTS: Introduction to breathlessness and community management Mechanisms of breathlessness Assessment of the breathless patient in the community Breathlessness and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Breathlessness and heart failure Breathlessness and interstitial lung disease Breathlessness and pulmonary hypertension Non-pharmacological management of breathlessness Pharmacological management of breathlessness End-of-life breathlessness management at home

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