This new edition has been thoroughly updated for today's undergraduate, offering: 65 presentations in an A-Z format; symptoms-based chapters; practice scenarios with answers; extensive information on the structural basis of History Taking; suggested prompt questions for core presentations; case scenarios; a section on asking difficult questions.
A definitive, accessible, and reliable resource which provides a solid foundation of the knowledge and basic science needed to hone all of the core surgical skills used in surgical settings.
History Taking in Medicine and Surgery
A guide to the techniques and analysis of clinical data. Each of the seventeen sections begins with a drawing and biographical sketch of a seminal contributor to the discipline. After...
Originally published in 1992, Medical Theory, Surgical Practice examines medical and surgical concepts of disease and their relation to the practice of surgery, in particular historical settings.
This book covers the many areas of dentistry that overlap with or border on, other specialties in the field of medicine and surgery, such as history taking, examination, emergencies, and the treatment of special care patients; enabling ...
Black Surgeons and Surgery in America
What is the most likely cause of Mrs Betts's shortness of breath? How would you confirm this? Mrs Betts does not have any features that are strongly suggestive of the 'most likely' or 'must exclude' diagnoses listed in Figure 10.2.
To become proficient in history taking, key questions should be asked to quickly understand the exact nature of the illness.This invaluable guide spec
Annotated bibliography of surgical material published in eighteenth and nineteenth century America.
(Grocco 1905) (Frugoni 1932) (APMD 1920) (DIMD 1921) (ARPS 1990) (Cardiovascular) (Hematologic) Grossman's sign, [Morris Grossman, American neurologist, 1881—] dilatation of the heart as a sign of pulmonary tuberculosis.