E. Brooks Holifield, From Salvation to Self-Realization: Protestant Pastoral Counseling in America (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983) is a comprehensive and critical history of the pastoral counseling movement up until about 1970.
The ideal companion volume to Clinebell's classic Basic Types of Pastoral Care & Counseling.
Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Just as the "Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling" defined the field of Pastoral Care, this volume brings the field current.
Harold Koenig and Andrew Weaver address this problem by providing practical guidance in dealing with such issues as Alzheimer's disease, the chronically ill, relocation, health crises, grief, depression, anxiety, gender differences, poverty ...
With actual case study examples and practical suggestions, this refreshingly perceptive book offers positive steps for furthering dialogue between biblical scholarship and pastoral counseling.
The relationship between pastor and parishioner is the essence of pastoral counseling--a simple truth with profound implications. Dr. Richard Dayringer explores these implications in The Heart of Pastoral Counseling: Healing...
TO say the least, this encounter with the Spirit Of truth was transformational for Connie. His words were spoken into the depth of her soul, powerful enough to silence the distortions that she had held for SO long.
This book will outline the quintessential elements pastors need to wisely minister in today's context by discussing four major kinds of lostness: grief, illness, abuse, and family challenges.
Practical care and counseling skills for pastors