Part of a series of six books which prepare children for a particular event. The books explain 'what comes next' on an outing, and therefore help children to get through the task or situation more easily.
La eventyret begynne
He was great at flips. But he liked the rings the best. He was great on the high bar. “He's the best shark I've ever taught,” said his coach. 6 7 The big sea meet was coming up. Marco wanted to.
Fiction, PYP Level 2
The Dentist and the Toothfairy
Consequently we are still no nearer to understanding what the actual position is . In our last report we said that we would welcome greater clarity about the resources needed for NHS dentistry so that we might ...
Crafted with a truth that speaks not only to and of his generation but echoes volumes beyond, this tale will inspire all readers to learn from the evils of yesterday and hope for a better tomorrow.
Long Island housewife Judith Singer is incredibly bored.
With over fifty years' experience as a dentist, Bernard Lester recalls the triumphs and disasters, the dramas and close calls of his work in both the NHS and private practice, in an honest and humorous account.
Max visits the dentist to have his teeth checked and cleaned.
The Dentist Was Found With A Blackened Hole Below His Right Temple.