Michaela Glockler speaks on themes relating to the esoteric path of spiritual development and its therapeutic task for the individual and community. Giving an account of the evolution of the ancient mysteries in relation to medicine, she discusses the application of inner work in outer action, reflecting on modern social and ethical issues such as organ transplantation and the termination of pregnancy. The author addresses primarily those in the healing professions, but this book will be of interest to anyone concerned with the new science of the spirit.
and made insignificant in practice, by selecting for study simple kinds of ex periences which are devoid of emotional content and which can be tested for reliability.
By opening a comprehensive window of quality in the workplace, Threshold of Consciousness II, the sequel, continues the poetic rhythm and visual imagery of thought.
In this new edition, Dr. Chopra once again offers a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.
Modern medicine does not have a good track record with chronic ailments because these are more complicated, diverse, and unpredictable, and do not fit in with modern medicine's more linear approach that requires patterns that follow set ...
That very success will, according to this perspective, virtually sculpt their individual conscious lives, ... The dance of consciousness seems uninterrupted to the dancer, yet whole realms of possibility are structurally inaccessible, ...
It explores why this is such a remarkable time on the planet, the transformation in health care, the energetic nature of life, the basis of healing through the human energy system, the role of consciousness and spiritual development in ...
This collection of essays on integral medicine, consciousness, and healing integrates mainstream medical knowledge with recent developments in the emerging areas of frontier sciences and insights from alternative healing perspectives....
A provocative blend of personal memoir, new science, and philosophical treatise, this book presents a fresh model for healing by rethinking our relationships with one another, the natural world, our bodies, and our innermost selves.
Psychology students are fascinated by consciousness but often find the topic puzzling. This is probably because there are different ways within the discipline to approach it.
A A / S ratio , 90 , 91 , 92 , 184 Ablowitz , R. , 168 , 175 , 190 , 216 Action potentials , 45 , 49-52 , 53 , 64 , 65 , 181-182 , 206 Adams , Henry , 160 , 175 Adams , P. R. , 69 , 72 Adelman , W. J. , 63 , 71 Adenosine triphosphate ...