Talent Management Pocketbook: 2nd Edition

Talent Management Pocketbook: 2nd Edition
Business & Economics
Andy Cross


p>How to find, keep and get the best from the people who can make an enterprise thrive is the subject of the Talent Management Pocketbook, now in its 2nd edition. It features checklists and self-assessment tools to gauge current talent management strategy and pinpoint where improvements can be made. Included too are examples of outstanding talent management practices. How do you judge with confidence that someone will succeed in a bigger role? The book describes how the ‘potential profiler’ can help identify potential talent in the key performance areas. It is one of several helpful models described. Blending talent in order to build talented teams is another focus of this illustrated pocketbook. It deals with its subject in clear, concise terms with the emphasis on providing practical solutions. The Talent Management Pocketbook has been written for trainers, HR and recruitment professionals, and for line managers with responsibility for retaining and developing talented team members.

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