This First World War classic novel is written in the first person by a young German soldier, Paul Bauer. Only eighteen when he is pressured by his family, friends and society in general, to enlist and fight at the front, he enters the army with six school friends, each filled with optimistic and patriotic thoughts. Within a few months they are all old men, in mind if not completely in body. They witness such horrors and endure such severe hardship and suffering, that they are unable to even speak about it to anyone but each other. The 1930 film adaptation won two Academy Award.
Contains nine critical essays that analyze various aspects of Erich Maria Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front," and includes a chronology of Remarque's life and works.
The testament of Paul Baumer, who enlists with his classmates in the German army of World War I, illuminates the savagery and futility of war
Published to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Erich Maria Remarque, author of "All Quiet on the Western Front", this is an account of the making of the Academy Award-winning film of the novel.
Now repackaged--the timeless classic of World War I Germany that speaks to generation after generation.
"Written during the last years of the Weimar Republic, the two novels collected here address the urgent problems of that age. Both Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970) and Joseph Roth (1894-1939)...
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As a work considered to be historical fiction, All Quiet on the Western Front focuses less on the story of war and more on the mental and physical destruction of those involved.
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All Quiet on the Western Front: The Story of a Film
This edition also touches upon current perspectives related to war and peace, allowing readers to connect the events of the text to the issues of today's world.