The rapid, commercially-driven evolution of the Internet has raised concomitant legal concerns that have required responses from both national and international law. This unique text offers a complete analysis of electronic and mobile commerce, exploring the law relating to online contracts and payment systems, electronic marketing, and various forms of cybercrime as well as the regulation of electronic communications networks and services. Written by specialists, this account also provides insights into emerging areas such as internet libel, online gambling, virtual property, cloud computing, smart cards, electronic cash, and the growing use of mobile phones to perform tasks previously carried out by computers.
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Includes all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook...
increased activity likely due to the introduction of the new gTLDs.10 While the expansion of gTLDs will doubtless see changes in ... Academic and policy-oriented literature addressing the problem of defining Internet governance is now a ...
Oxford University Press, Oxford Bar F, Cohen S, Cowhey P, DeLong B, Kleeman M, Zysman J (2000) Access and ... Journal of Law and Economics 3: 1-44 Cramton P, Kwerel E, Williams J (1998) Efficient reallocation of spectrum incumbents.
These treaties are passed by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) “The Information and Telecommunication Service Act” of Germany designed the law regime for electronic and mobile commerce.
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications Management Association, Information Resources. Morgan, R.M., & Hunt, S.D. (1994). The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing. ... Marketing: Concepts and Strategies (12th ed.) ...
[Administration (référence électronique)].
Legislation based on Internet access via stationary personal computers may, for example, be difficult to apply to mobile commerce. E-business legislation should be, as widely as possible, technology neutral and this requires a ...
Irwin Toy v . Doe , ( 2000 ) OJ . No. 3318 . 8 If the ISP had opposed the application with policy arguments , perhaps the decision would have expounded on the ... 12 For example , under Nova Scotia's Defamation Act , R.S.N.S. 1989 , c .
Yearbook Volume XLVI: 2015 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ... 17 The 2007 Congress, entitled “Modern Law for Global Commerce”, took place on the occasion of the fortieth session of the Commission, from 9-12 July, ...
The book is intended for postgraduate students in e-commerce and computer science as well as government officials, entrepreneurs and managers. Prof.