Amphibian species around the world are unusually vulnerable to a variety of threats, by no means all of which are properly understood. Volume 11 in this major series will be published in parts devoted to the causes of amphibian decline and to conservation measures in regions of the world; this Part 3 is concerned with Western Europe (Britain, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal). Experts from each country contribute a chapter describing the ecological background and the conservation status of affected species, with an emphasis on native species. As well as infectious diseases and parasites (also covered in a general chapter), threats take the form of introduced and invasive species, pollution, destruction and alteration of habitat, and climate change. These are discussed as they affect each species. All these countries have monitoring schemes and conservation programmes, whose origins and activities are described. Recommendations for action are also made. Edited by leading scholars in the field, Volume 11, when complete, will therefore provide a definitive survey of the amphibian predicament and a stimulus to further research with the objective of arresting the global decline of an entire class of animal.
These are discussed as they affect each species. All these countries have monitoring schemes and conservation programs, whose origins and activities are described. Recommendations for action are also made.
This book contributes to an understanding of the current conservation status of the amphibians of each region, aims to stimulate research into halting amphibian declines, and provides a better foundation for making conservation decisions.
A comprehensive guide to the native and non-native species of amphibian and reptile found in the British Isles.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Allegheny State Park . New York State Museum , Handbook 3 , Albany , New York . Bishop , S.C. 1928. Notes on some amphibians and reptiles from the southeastern states , with a description of a new ...
Study of the osteology of extant forms, primarily morphological in focus but with some chapters stressing development, functionality or phylogeny. Topics include: a comparison of dermal skulls of recent amphibians...
Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar FL, USA. Zohar Y, Mylonas CC (2001) Endocrine manipulations of spawning in cultured fish: from hormones to genes. In Reproductive Biotechnology in Finfish Aquaculture (Eds CS Lee and EM Donaldson) pp.
Well-organized and concise, this new edition covers just about everything related to reptiles and amphibians by utilizing an international array of contributing authors that were selected based on their recognized specialization and ...
A valuable feature of this book is its emphasis on collecting and analysing such essential information.
The Rise of Amphibians is documented with more than two hundred illustrations of fossil amphibians and sixteen exquisite color plates depicting amphibians in their natural habitats throughout their long existence.
... W. R. 353 Todd, B. D. 204, 206, 223, 231, 233, 235, 236 Todd, M. J. 284, 286, 288, 292 toe clipping 32, 123, 124, ... 1798, 180, 247 Toledo, R. C. 373, 375, 389 Tonge, S. 522 total dissolved solids, see TDS total suspended solids, ...