Amphibian Conservation is the fourth in the series of Synopses of Conservation Evidence, linked to the online resource This synopsis is part of the Conservation Evidence project and provides a useful resource for conservationists. It forms part of a series designed to promote a more evidence-based approach to biodiversity conservation. Others in the series include bee, bird, farmland and bat conservation and many others are in preparation. Approximately 32% of the 7,164+ amphibian species are currently threatened with extinction and at least 43% of species are declining. Despite this, until recently amphibians and their conservation had received little attention. Although work is now being carried out to conserve many species, often it is not adequately documented. This book brings together and summarises the available scientific evidence and experience relevant to the practical conservation of amphibians. The authors consulted an international group of amphibian experts and conservationists to produce a thorough summary of what is known, or not known, about the effectiveness of amphibian conservation actions across the world. "The book is packed with literature summaries and citations; a veritable information goldmine for graduate students and researchers. It also admirably provides decision makers with a well-researched resource of proven interventions that can be employed to stem/reverse the decline of amphibian populations." -John G Palis, Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society
... W. R. 353 Todd, B. D. 204, 206, 223, 231, 233, 235, 236 Todd, M. J. 284, 286, 288, 292 toe clipping 32, 123, 124, ... 1798, 180, 247 Toledo, R. C. 373, 375, 389 Tonge, S. 522 total dissolved solids, see TDS total suspended solids, ...
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Allegheny State Park . New York State Museum , Handbook 3 , Albany , New York . Bishop , S.C. 1928. Notes on some amphibians and reptiles from the southeastern states , with a description of a new ...
Amphibian conservation action plan: proceedings IUCN/SSC Amphibian Conservation Summit 2005
A valuable feature of this book is its emphasis on collecting and analysing such essential information.
This book contributes to an understanding of the current conservation status of the amphibians of each region, aims to stimulate research into halting amphibian declines, and provides a better foundation for making conservation decisions.
This volume, Part 4 in the series, is concerned with Southern Europe (Italy, Malta, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Cyprus).
In 1990 an international group of biologists, meeting to discuss rumors of declines in the number of amphibians, discovered that amphibian disappearances once thought to be a local problem were...
Joining scientific rigor and vivid storytelling, this book is the first to use amphibian decline as a lens through which to see more clearly the larger story of climate change, conservation of biodiversity, and a host of profoundly ...
These are discussed as they affect each species. All these countries have monitoring schemes and conservation programmes, whose origins and activities are described. Recommendations for action are also made.
A comprehensive guide to the native and non-native species of amphibian and reptile found in the British Isles.