Last accessed July 2018. Barrett, P., & Barrett, L. (2013). Project report: Promoting positive gender outcomes in higher education through active workload management. Manchester, UK: University of Salford. ...
University managers and policy makers have already tried to establish a more diverse workforce within the academic context by introducing e.g. gender quotas to overcome existing barriers for women, promote gender equality, and benefit ...
This book provides comparative data and policy benchmarks on women's access to public leadership and inclusive gender-responsive policy-making across OECD countries.
Some examples include audio-technology telephone monitoring in call centers and geographic positioning systems (GPS) and video surveillance (Alder & Ambrose, 2005). the economic argument In organization studies, ...
This is one of the first compilations on collective bargaining in higher education reflecting the work of scholars, practitioners, and employer and union advocates.
While highlighting topics such as personalized university courses, remote service learning, team-based learning, and universal design, this book is ideal for in-service and preservice teachers, administrators, instructional designers, ...
Kennedy E, Quinn D, Tumilty S, et al. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of treatment of the cervical spine in patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms: a retrospective analysis. Musculoskelet Sci Pract 2017;29:91–8. von ...
Ethics in Practice cases also provide opportunities to apply your skills. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Resources in Education
Concrete Efforts Related to WLB Compliance with the Equal Opportunity Act (childcare leave, nursing care leave, ... of work duties/division areas - Proactive gender equality education and training; guaranteed advancement Outcome of ...