"Hanging in the Balance" traces the history of capital punishment in the United Kingdom from ancient times to the modern day - through periods of reform until hanging for murder was finally abolished by Parliament in 1969. It describes in detail the Parliamentary and public debates, and notes the stance taken by organizations and individuals (including the tenacious and persistent Sydney Silverman MP). The book collates data and references not previously brought together in one place-and in exploring the underlying issues and the recurring arguments about deterrence, retribution and expediency it provides an invaluable resource vis-a-vis the same debate in the many countries where capital punishment still exists.Lord Callaghan was home secretary at the time of abolition. His 'Foreword' conveys how strong his personal feelings were concerning the death penalty from the time he entered Parliament in 1945. The book's closing chapters record how his insistence that abolition should become permanent ultimately overcame the still considerable opposition. Capital punishment was finally abolished in 1999 throughout the UK. For all practical purposes this had already happened in 1969 when the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965 was made fully effective into following a trial period.
Hanging in the Balance: A Spiritual Odyssey
Hanging in the Balance
Many have interpreted the Bible in many different ways concerning homosexuality, and I too believe that the Bible is true.
Hanging in the Balance: The Anti-capital Punishment Movement in New York State, 1776-1861
Destruction and ruin were seen everywhere from the actions of the power elite. What chance did the few humans that remained have of restoring civilization? Follow the humans that survived and discover their helpers.
The Book of Esther recounts one of the most remarkable turnarounds in history. An entire nation was on the edge of utter destruction but God moved through the bravery of Mordecai, and Queen Esther, to turn the tide of evil.
Adolescent Hanging in the Balance: Ego and Self in Film
Hanging in the Balance: An Assessment of Trade in Orang-utans and Gibbons on Kalimantan, Indonesia