Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Edited by: Professor John Politis, Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus. CD version of the proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance - ECMLG 2012 hosted by the Neapolis University on the 8-9 November 2012. 567 pages
Accessed December 15, 2018. Jackson, S. and C. Cameron, eds. 2014. Improving Access to Further and Higher Education for Young People in Public Care: European ...
Moreover, we assume that leadership under the influence of women managers will be redefined ... Gonan Božac, M. and Paulišić, M. (2004) Woman Manager and Leader in the Republic of Croatia , 2nd International Conference: An Enterprise ...
Gender Intelligence features 17 illustrations. World-renowned experts on Gender Intelligence argue that it is time to move beyond politics and fairness to build an economic business case for gender diversity in the workplace.
Now, this collection of essays by leading jurists, businesspeople, and academics takes a giant step toward a more cohesive and durable set of principles that can contribute to a cleaner environment and a better society while respecting and ...
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, ...
This book is authored by a range of international experts with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives hopefully bringing us closer to the responses for the questions like how may AI be used /or is a threat for PRME implementation, how ...
Kropp, F., Lindsay, N. J. & Shoham, A. (2008) “Entrepreneurial Orientation and International Entrepreneurial Business ... in the proceedings of The 2nd European Conference on Information Systems Management, Leadership and Governance, ...
In clear and accessible prose, global trends and strategy adviser Olaf Groth, AI scientist and social entrepreneur Mark Nitzberg, along with seasoned economics reporter Dan Zehr, provide a unique human-focused, global view of humanity in a ...
The decline of power, 1915–1964 (The Paladin History of England). New York: Oxford University Press. Blake, R., & Louis, W. R. (Eds.). (1993). Churchill: A major new assessment of his life in peace and war. New York: Norton.
This book provides an essential guide for policy makers and economists who need to understand how information technology is transforming the economy and how it will create value in the coming decade.