This collection of papers, consisting of 39 delegate contributions and three keynote articles from “New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education” hosted by Trinity College Dublin in April 2016, offers a window on a rapidly evolving form of learning. Telecollaboration is used in many formats and contexts, but has as a defining feature the ability to unite learners from classrooms around the world in meaningful computer-mediated tasks and activities. This cross-disciplinary overview discusses telecollaboration in support of language and culture, teacher training, student mobility, and other disciplines and skills from a range of analytical perspectives. It will be of interest to anyone working in HE as an educator, researcher, educational designer, mobility officer, decision maker or administrator.
Papers from the 2nd International Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education, held at Trinity College Dublin, April 21-23, 2016.
... New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education. N.p.: Jones, Elspeth, ed. 2009. Internationalisation and the Student ...
Teacher development for autonomy: An exploratory review of language teacher education for learner and teacher autonomy. ... M. Peters, M. A. Kassen, & R. Lavine (Eds.), Preparing and developing technology-proficient L2 teachers (pp.
Split into three sections, this book: looks at the broad experiences of international students, covering the digital transitions and networks that students experience during their time studying overseas explores the ways in which the ...
... practice , research and pedagogy . Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer . Berlin : Frank & Timme . O'Rourke , B. ( 2005 ) . Form - focused interaction in online tandem learning . CALICO Journal , 22 ( 3 ) , 433–466 . O'Rourke , B ...
... new era (pp. 181-197). Routledge. Little, D. (2016). Learner autonomy and telecollaborative language learning. In S. Jager, M. Kurek & B. O'Rourke (Eds), New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from ...
On teaching Islam across cultures: virtual exchange pedagogy. In C. M. Dorroll (Ed.), Teaching Islamic studies in the age of ISIS, islamophobia, and the Internet (pp. 9-19). Indiana University Press. https://doi.
... research in science education: one step towards methodology. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 2(2), 54-68. Kopish, M ... New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on ...
English. Language. Teacher-Training. Study. Abroad. Program. From Western China to Canada Gene Vasilopoulos and Gloria Romero ... hosted at a Canadian university in the summer months of May–August over the course of 4 years (2015–2018).
... New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: introduction. In S. Jager, M. Kurek & B. O'Rourke (Eds), New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration ...