The foods of each region of France are discussed in relation to local customs and traditional ways of life
Polytechnique professor Maurice Roy attempted to define the "true" technocrat in expressing his desire that his school would continue to "produce authentic technocrats and at the same time avoid, under the banner of progress, ...
An original account of the ancient regime, this book highlights France's use of the exotic and analyzes French discourse about Islam and the 'Orient'.
Moving with cinematic swiftness from the battlefield to the Reichstag and the Palais de l'...lysée, To Lose a Battle overspills the confines of traditional military history to become a portrait of the French national soul in its darkest ...
'Fortune de France' - Schicksal Frankreichs - ist ein unterhaltsamer und zudem genau recherchierter historischer Roman, ' ... und wenn ich mir die geschichtlichen Hintergrundinformationen allein zusammensuchte, dann nicht aus hugenottischer ...
The legendary food expert describes her years in Paris, Marseille, and Provence and her journey from a young woman who could not cook or speak any French to the publication of her cookbooks and becoming "The French Chef."
"Ian Coller's fascinating book explores the making of modern France during the Napoleonic period and under the Restoration 'from the outside inward'.
16. Bidwell , Morocco , 258-61 ; René Cruchet , La conquête pacifique du Maroc ; Pierre Delatère , “ Dans l'Atlas marocain avec Jean Benoît - Lévy , Marie Epstein , et la troup de Itto , ” PV ( 1934 ) . 17. Benoît - Lévy , Art of Motion ...
Peter Sahlins’s brilliant new book reveals the remarkable and understudied “animal moment” in and around 1668 in which authors (including La Fontaine, whose Fables appeared in that year), anatomists, painters,...
Henri de Saint-Simon, 'La physiologie sociale appliquée à l'amélioration des institutions sociales', in Oeuvres de Saint-Simon et d'Enfantin, publiées par les membres du conseil institué par Enfantin pour l'exécution de ses dernières ...