Born into a prominent German Jewish banking family, Baron Max von Oppenheim (1860-1946) was a keen amateur archaeologist and ethnologist. His discovery and excavation of Tell Halaf in Syria marked an important contribution to knowledge of the ancient Middle East, while his massive study of the Bedouins is still consulted by scholars today. He was also an ardent German patriot, eager to support his country's pursuit of its "place in the sun." Excluded by his part-Jewish ancestry from the regular diplomatic service, Oppenheim earned a reputation as "the Kaiser's spy" because of his intriguing against the British in Cairo, as well as his plan, at the start of the First World War, to incite Muslims under British, French and Russian rule to a jihad against the colonial powers. After 1933, despite being half-Jewish according to the Nuremberg Laws, Oppenheim was not persecuted by the Nazis. In fact, he placed his knowledge of the Middle East and his connections with Muslim leaders at the service of the regime. Ranging widely over many fields - from war studies to archaeology and banking history - 'The Passion of Max von Oppenheim' tells the gripping and at times unsettling story of one part-Jewish man's passion for his country in the face of persistent and, in his later years, genocidal anti-Semitism.
Ranging widely over many fields - from war studies to archaeology and banking history - The Passion of Max von Oppenheim tells the gripping and at times unsettling story of one part-Jewish man's passion for his country in the face of ...
First published in Germany in 1929, The End and the Beginning is a lively personal memoir of a vanished world and of a rebellious, high-spirited young woman's struggle to achieve independence.
This new, expanded edition contains: Zur Mühlen's autobiographical memoir, The End and the Beginning; The editor's detailed notes on the persons and events mentioned in the autobiography; A selection of Zur Mühlen's short stories and two ...
While the text itself is intended for the general reader, extensive endnotes amplify particular themes and offer guidance to readers interested in pursuing them further.
From ancient Egypt through the nineteenth century, Sexual Personae explores the provocative connections between art and pagan ritual; between Emily Dickinson and the Marquis de Sade; between Lord Byron and Elvis Presley.
Lionel Gossman's study situates this poem in the ideological context that made the collaboration possible.
M. Groen. 'Het wetenschappelijke onderwijs in Nederland 1815–1980', typescript, p. 39, Eindhoven Technical University, without date. 355 William Forsell Kirby (1844–1912), English entomologist and folklorist; joined the staff of the ...
Another one was Danny Kaye, and we found out that his real name was David Daniel Kaminsky. ... I told him [the network executive] you can't have those people on like George Kaufman and Sam Levinson,” and he proceeded to name only Jews, ...
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The Years of Extermination, the completion of Saul Friedländer's major historical opus on Nazi Germany and the Jews, explores the convergence of the various aspects of this most systematic and sustained of modern genocides.