This long awaited Third Edition fully illuminates the patient-centered model of medicine, continuing to provide the foundation for the Patient-Centered Care series. It redefines the principles underpinning the patient-centered method using four major components - clarifying its evolution and consequent development - to bring the reader fully up-to-
... ( a ) Pearson correlation r = 0.16 , p = .01 ( b ) Multiple regressions or multiple logistical regressions adjusted for clustering and controlling for confounding variables Figure 20.1 Diagram summarizing the relationships found among ...
In this book, it is aimed at presenting an approach to patient-centered medicine from the beginning of life to the end of life.
In this book, it is aimed at presenting an approach to patient-centered medicine from the beginning of life to the end of life.
This is a volume of guidelines that will help medical students and clinicians develop and master basic attitudes and skills essential to providing empathic and comprehensive medical care.
While traditional forms of communications, e.g. meetings, notice boards, etc. are still valuable, ... internal and external communication, but its use should be underpinned by appropriate e-mailing ethics and etiquette,29 particularly ...
Read details inside the book.
This is particularly true for patients we sometimes call “complex.” In other contexts, we call them “high utilizers,” “disadvantaged,” “heartsink patients,” or “people with trauma histories.” Blount calls them ...
This book explains how to introduce the Patient Centered Value System in your organization to go from the current state to the ideal.
Acute Stroke Care: A Manual from the University of Texas-Houston Stroke Team. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 2007. Gresham GE, Duncan PW, Stason WB, et al. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. Clinical Practice Guideline, No. 16.
This book challenges functional models for more aesthetic and ethical models, where communication is grounded in values systems of cultures.