From the 1950s onwards, football match programmes regularly featured Face In The Crowd competitions ? crowd photographs with a lucky face circled. This simple promotion, a way of encouraging regular purchasing of match day programmes, also managed to create an unintentional visual record of football supporters over the decades.0They might seem reminders of an apparently less complicated era, but these images conjure darker, more disturbing echoes: those of faces caught in the cross hairs of an unseen assassin?s rifle, or tracked by the lens of surveillance cameras of some sinister dystopian world. A harbinger of a time when we can no longer be just an anonymous face in the crowd.0The images are introduced and selected by Alan Dein, an oral historian and a multi-award-winning radio documentary presenter.
Oh Hec!
Official England World Cup Supporters' Book
Chelsea Here, Chelsea There
This fully revised and updated paperback edition of the book reveals the contributors' thoughts on the great teams, managers, players and events in the club's history and captures some of the flavour and atmosphere of life behind the scenes ...
Michael Henderson, in his piece that accused and wept, also said that, according to some, sport reflects the society in which it is played. Towards the end of the nineties we indeed witnessed the maladroit FA sink further into indecency ...
The story, just like supporting a football team, is by turns hilarious, heartwarming and heartbreaking.
Colin Shindler was dealt a cruel hand by Fate when he became a passionate Manchester City supporter.
This book celebrates the story behind that unforgettable moment when Hibernian entered the childhood of its fans' lives and why, despite their different backgrounds, these loyal fans still support a sometimes unsupportable cause together.
A major new book, from Britain's most authoritative writer on football hooliganism.
... game or inspired our love for a football team. In my case it was my mum. My father died when I was only 4 and so it was my mum who bought me my first Sunderland shirt, took me to my first game and who bought me a season ticket every ...