The FRCS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) exam is split into three parts: written, viva and mock clinical consultations with an examiner and an actor in the role of a patient. These consultations fall into two formats: ‘short case’, where the examiner poses questions specific to the patient’s case, and ‘long case’ where the candidate must diagnose the patient’s presenting problem and suggest an appropriate course of treatment. FRCS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) Part 2: 100 Clinical Cases focuses on the clinical component of the exam and is structured according the FRCS OMFS syllabus. Each chapter starts with cases devoted to examination of the patient, history taking and investigations. Subsequent cases feature ‘short case’ clinical scenarios commonly encountered in the exam. Where relevant to exam practice, a ‘long case’ is included at the end of each chapter. The ‘short cases’ feature mock questions, while the ‘long cases’ also include an examiner’s mark sheet listing the answers and actions candidates must perform to achieve full marks. First book to cater specifically for the clinical component of the FRCS OMFS exam Ideal for practising scenarios with colleagues and taking turns to play role of either candidate or examiner
Lammert, M., & Timberlake, E. M. (1986). Termination of foster care for the older adolescent: Issues of emancipation and individuation.
Dou, L., E. Bertrand, C. Cerini, V. Faure, J. Sampol, R. Vanholder, Y. Berland, P. Brunet. ... A. Timberlake, B. Sumpio, R. Pfragner, I. M. Modlin, M. Kidd.
Chendrasekhar A, Moorman DW, Timberlake GA. An evaluation of the effects of ... Chittiboina P, Wylen E, Ogden A, et al. Traumatic spondylolisthesis of the ...
Hartmann LC, Radisky DC, Frost MH, et al. Understanding the premalignant potential of ... D'Alfonso TM, Wang K, Chiu YL, et al. Pathologic upgrade rates on ...
Stensland, J., Speedie, S., Ideker, M., House, J., & Thompson, T. (1999). The relative cost of outpatient ... Deal, J. L. (1987). Appraisal and diagnosis of ...
1 2 Howard, S. and Johnson, B. (2000) Resilient and Non-resilient Behaviour in ... 4 De Haan, L., Hawley, D. and Deal, J. (2002) 'Operationalizing family ...
... are not fluent in the language/s of the medical care provider.72 Research ... Anglo-Americans have traditionally placed a great deal of emphasis on the ...
This practical guide thoroughly discusses both well-established and new interventions that are applied to the spine for the purpose of pain relief.
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