The book provides an introduction to European law on direct taxation. It includes an overview of the sources of European law, the impact of the fundamental freedoms on direct taxation and the relevance of the European state aid provisions in tax matters. Further, it analyses all relevant directives in the field of direct taxation, namely the Parent-Subsidiary Directive, the Merger Directive, the Interest and Royalty Directive, looks at mutual assistance, as well as the EU Arbitration Convention. This edition has some structural changes, primarily made to adapt the analysis of European tax integration to the application of the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights in tax matters and the development of global tax competition. The latter phenomenon is being targeted by the BEPS and Tax Transparency projects in a suptranational framework that coordinates the exercise of national taxing rights around the globe and which also has significant repercussions for European tax integration.
It was to be collected by 1 August 1648 , and used to repay the wealthy individuals who had already lent the amount required in anticipation of the levy . Sources : L , X , pp 398-399 collections : 1648 Aug 1 Monthly assessment for the ...
501 et seq; Daniel S. Smit, “The Relationship between the Free Movement of Capital and other EC Treaty Freedoms in Third Country Relationships in the Field of Direct Taxation: a question of exclusivity, parallelism or causality?
Restrictions to the transfer of income obtained within the Portuguese territory by non-residents were (and still are) ... Kristina Stahl, Free Movement of Capital between Member States and third countries , EC Tax Review (2004), at 48; ...
See C-337/08 X Holding, Paras. 27—36. See van Thiel 2010 pp. ... April 2009, of the First-Tier Tribunal of the United Kingdom, for the follow-up case on the Marks & Spencer case. The Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, however, ...
The key features of this highly useful work are designed to address many of the most common research needs of professionals involved in the field of European direct taxation: Includes summaries of all judgments − and pending cases − of ...
Today, anyone working with or interested in tax law or tax planning is confronted with EU tax law issues. This book provides a clear picture of the EU law norms that are relevant from the perspective of direct taxes.
This book provides a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the similarities and differences between consumption taxes and direct taxes.
The book will also be useful to academics without a legal background, in order to approach the technical issues raised by European Union tax law. This third edition has been updated and upgraded.
Member States the EU/EC level is able to legislate in that policy area to the furtherance of the internal market ... 12, who states that the “exercise of fiscal sovereignty” is subordinate to the imperatives of the internal market; ...
As a consequence, the ECJ has the difficult task of reconciling the consequences of the fiscal sovereignty retained by EU Member States with the obligations flowing from EU law (an internal market without frontiers).