Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are commonly encountered at all levels of medical school including the final MBBS examination. OSCEs also play an important role at postgraduate level and are used to assess competency in the Foundation Years. One of the fundamental requirements of passing the OSCE is an understanding of the standa
This book provides the essential information needed to tackle OSCE stations competently and with confidence, with over 150 topics covered at the perfect level of detail for candidates preparing for final exams.
Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals covers the entire undergraduate syllabus for clinical finals under the following headings: - History - Examination - Procedures - Emergency - Interpretations - Communication skills - ...
Each question gives a detailed explanation of the correct answer to aid reflection and reinforce understanding. This book is the ideal revision aid for all undergraduate medical students preparing for their final examination in surgery.
Finally, a book has been written which provides the essential information needed to manage OSCE stations competently, and will help you to pass your medical and surgical finals. Over 150 topics are covered at the perfect level of detail ...
OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals takes a systematic approach to preparing for these new exams, giving you crucial insights into how to score well.Written by junio
Designed to provide enough coverage for those students who want to gain as many marks as possible in their OSCEs, and not just a book which will ensure students ‘scrape a pass', the book is fully supported by a companion website at www ...
Peripheral stigmata of gastrointestinal disease, such as koilonychia, angular cheilitis and glossitis (Plummer–Vinson syndrome), or features of the CREST syndrome □ Neck examination, noting the presence of any neck lumps (e.g. ...
The book has clear, step-by-step guides to each clinical station followed by key tips to remember just before you sit the exam, providing a concrete base for students to excel upon.
SBAs and EMQs for the MRCS Part A is an invaluable guide to sitting and passing the examination, which tests the candidates in their knowledge of the basic sciences as applied to surgical practice.Based on the highly successful Insider ...
and general surgery with the surgical rotation at St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College, London. She is an author of a best-selling undergraduate textbook, Essential OSCE Topics for Medical and Surgical Finals (Radcliffe Publishing, ...