South American Handbook

South American Handbook
South American Handbook
Ben Box


South America will uplift your senses with the tropical sunrising over a palm-fringed beach, or a bracing wind blowing off the southernice fields. Light can be blinding on the high-altitude salt flats, or dense andgreen in the rain forest. The gentle scent of the ripe guava fills thecountryside, but the fire of chilli from that innocent-looking jar willelectrify your taste buds. Explore the cities of prehispanic civilizations and thechurches of colonial times, immerse yourself in the present with itscelebrations and social dilemmas. Where past and present mix, there arefestivals, crafts and gastronomy, from the humble potato in its umpteenvarieties to the most sophisticated of wines. If you are looking for something more active, throw yourselfoff a giant sand dune into a lake, or climb the highest mountain. Walk in thetree-tops of the rainforest, at eye level with birds and monkeys, dance in anAndean village square to a solo violin, or to techno brega in a warehouse-sizedclub in Belem. Whatever South America inspires you to do, you will find thatthere is no limit to the passion that it fires within you. In this era of countless websites which bring images and informationfrom every barrio and pueblito, the South American Handbook gives he details onhow to navigate between each place, big or small. It is a celebration of thespirit of adventure and independence that characterizes travel in this part ofthe world. Drawing on the expertise of correspondents in the region and the experiencesof travellers, this 94th edition of the Handbook provides the threadfrom Acandi to Ushuaia and everywhere you may wish to stop off in between. The guide provides comprehensive coverage ofArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,Venezuela, the Guianas, and the Falkland Islands. Extensive coverageof the most famous and lesser-knownsites, from the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu and iconic Christ the Redeemer tothe wilderness of the Guianas and rolling hills of Uruguay Highlights sectionso you know what not to miss Practical informationon how to get to each country andaround, plus suggested itineraries to help you plan your trip, whether you aretravelling for a week or a month Well-researched cultural and historical backgroundsectionsavailable as an online resource Tips for travelling with your kids Overview mapfor each country and region which includes'Don't miss' destinations, local information on how to get around and detailedstreet maps where relevant Authoritative advice and recommendationsto ensure youfind the best accommodation, restaurant or local tour operator Footprint's legendary South American Handbook covers thecontinent in amazing detail, enabling you to explore for yourself. Fromspectacular carnivals to shuddering glaciers, this guide will open your way tothe irresistible spirit of the world's greatest continent.

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