Teachers in all sectors of education are faced with the ongoing task of planning lessons. Beginning teachers can struggle to get their heads around what is involved at a time when they are managing new information and skills, while experienced teachers are usually busy professionals with very little time. This book offers a time-saving, practical guide to support and develop lesson planning. Designed to be read over a week, the book is divided into seven chapters, each detailing clear strategies, examining the strategy in action, and summarising the relevant underpinning theory. (Series: Getting it Right in a Week) [Subject: Education]
The text first discusses Perceptive Teaching and then explores five unique approaches to lesson planning: behaviorist, constructivist, aesthetic, ecological, and integrated social-emotional learning.
This book includes summaries of basic instructional design, integrated instructional design, differentiated instructional design, and problem-based learning instructional design.
Hit the books--Made of durable materials so it lasts all year, The Teacher Planner features charmingly designed tabs and borders so you can easily find the month you're planning.
Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education offers 64 field-tested lesson plans, learning activities, and assessments for implementing a skills-based approach in your class.
TABLE 4.2 Example of a Full-Year Multiple-Pathway Option Using SHAPE America Lifetime sports Dance Activity Module Categories Fitness activities Individual Outdoor pursuits performance activities 1 Fitness assessment and program ...
In his classic book on pedagogy (Alexander 2008), Robin Alexander describes Douglas Brown, an inspirational and exceptional teacher at the Perse School in Cambridge during the 1950s. Perhaps not surprisingly, the teaching of Brown that ...
Weekly lesson plan pages for six different subjects. Records for each of four 10-week quarters can be read on facing pages. Plus helpful tips for substitute teachers. 8-1/2" x 11". Spiral-bound.
Provides practical advice on how teachers can plan their lessons to avoid chaos in the classroom and includes advice on dealing with differentiation and how to start and end lessons successfully.
Lesson Planning
In this fully updated third edition Graham Butt provides in-depth practical advice on how to plan lessons effectively.