Making use of two case studies which run throughout the book, this text provides student-focused coverage of the key procedures central to the civil litigation process.
This supplement contains the federal statutes and rules governing procedure, along with comparative state provisions.
Receive complimentary lifetime digital access to the eBook with new print purchase. This edition is an affordable, all-purpose resource designed to support any classroom text.
This is where most Rules Supplements available to students stop, with just an austere reprinting of these texts. PLUS.
The book's small size and text that is limited to the body of rules and statutes make it a convenient resource for students in civil procedure and complex litigation courses who need quick and easy access to relevant statutory provisions ...
Property Law 2017-2018
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: 2017-2018 Statutory Supplement with Resources for Study
The handbook also contains textual materials that explain various topics, as well as numerous notes and questions designed to further analyze the reproduced cases and statutes.
Dr. James Adams, a psychiatrist, examined the defendant in November 2004 and ultimately determined that, although the defendant suffered from a paranoid disorder, he was competent to stand trial. Defense counsel moved for, ...
Younger jurors were better able than older jurors to comprehend the legal instructions, with comprehension of directions on the law declining as the age of the juror increased. A written summary of the judge's directions on the law ...