C. Wright Mills's 1959 book The Sociological Imagination is widely regarded as one of the most influential works of post-war sociology. At its heart, the work is a closely reasoned argument about the nature and aims of sociology, one that sets out a manifesto and roadmap for the field. Its wide acceptance and popular reception is a clear demonstration of the rhetorical power of Wright's strong reasoning skills. In critical thinking, reasoning involves the creation of an argument that is strong, balanced, and, of course, persuasive. In Mills's case, this core argument makes a case for what he terms the "sociological imagination," a particular quality of mind capable of analyzing how individual lives fit into, and interact with, social structures. Only by adopting such an approach, Mills argues, can sociologists see the private troubles of individuals as the social issues they really are. Allied to this central argument are supporting arguments for the need for sociology to maintain its independence from corporations and governments, and for social scientists to steer away from 'high theory' and focus on the real difficulties of everyday life. Carefully organized, watertight and persuasive, The Sociological Imagination exemplifies reasoned argument at its best.
The information in this text is presented in an easy to understand manner that allows students to see the importance of properly conducted research.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approacheswill show you how to look at the world from a new perspective, to question, and to understand the importance of social research today.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Mark the number on the sampling frame that corresponds to the chosen random number to indicate that the case is in the ... ( 1 ) Yes ( 8 ) Yes ( 2 ) Abrams , J. ( M ) Adams , H. ( F ) Yes Anderson , H. ( M ) Arminond , L. ( M ) Boorstein ...
This is a fully-integrated package that lets students experience the challenge and excitement of doing real social research.
A concise introduction to the fundamental concepts of social scientific thinking, this text - a favourite with students for over 25 years - makes scientific thinking, research methods and statistics accessible to undergraduates at a common ...
社会科学研究: 从思维开始 : 原书第11版
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"This book leads students to learn about the process of conducting statistical investigations from data collection, to exploring data, to statistical inference, to drawing appropriate conclusions.