The Republic is Plato's most complete and incisive work - a detailed study of the problem of how best to ensure that justice exists in a real society, rather than as merely the product of an idealized philosophical construct. The work considers several competing definitions of justice, and looks closely not only at what exactly a "just life" should be, but also at the ways in which society can organise itself in ways that maximise the opportunities for every member to live justly. Much of the discussion is via imagined dialogues, giving Plato the opportunity to deploy the tools of Socratic debate to remarkable effect; nowhere else, it can be argued, is the Socratic dialectic better exemplified than in The Republic. In large measure, Plato's success is the product of the acute analytical ability that he demonstrates throughout his surviving oeuvre. No one is better at understanding the relationships between the various parts of a successful argument than Plato, and The Republic also demonstrates the Greek philosopher has few peers when it comes to looking for and highlighting the core assumptions that underlie an argument. The demolition of competing views that Plato puts into the mouth of Socrates is based on a series of relentless interventions and counter-examples that this mastery makes possible. Combining analytical skills with great powers of reasoning to produce a well-structured solution that deals emphatically with counter-arguments, Plato crafts one of the most enduring works of philosophy in the entire western canon.
Many think the answer is, "The victims." Who has duties to challenge these injustices? Many say, "The privileged." To both, this book offers a different answer: "Everyone.
In this collection of essays Onora O'Neill explores and argues for an account of justice that is fundamentally cosmopolitan rather than civic, yet takes serious account of institutions and boundaries, and of human diversity and ...
Tugend und Gerechtigkeit: eine konstruktive Darstellung des praktischen Denkens
The Description for this book, Understanding Rawls: A Reconstruction and Critique of A Theory of Justice, will be forthcoming.
John Rawls`S Work On Justice Has Drawn More Commentary And Aroused Wider Attention Than Any Other Work In Moral Or Political Philosophy In The Twentieth Century.
Folkens rätt: och Åter till idén om offentligt förnuft
Politischer Liberalismus
Ce livre est considéré dans le monde anglo-saxon comme le texte contemporain le plus important de la philosophie morale et politique. C'est un défi lancé à tous ceux qui pensent...
Liberalizm polityczny