Wild Animals of The North creator, Dieter Braun, explores mountains of the world in his latest nonfiction picture book. Mountains have been the fascination (and sometimes the downfall) of adventurers and explorers throughout history. Meet the animal inhabitants of these rocky peaks, as well as the brave travelers who challenged their great heights. Climb into this immersive book and explore the top of the world, from the peaks of Kilimanjaro to the summit of Mount Everest. Revel in the lush illustrations by Wild Animals of The North creator, Dieter Braun, in this celebration of mountains all over the world.
Everything you need to know about mountains.
Les montagnes
Volume 7 of the series IGF-Forschungsberichte summarizes the 27th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference Mountains, uplands, lowlands. European landscapes from an altitudinal perspective.
In writing that is free from jargon and easy to understand, she tells the intricate story of how streams provide energy to adjacent forests, how lake sediments record the history of wind-blown pollutants, and how hidden networks of fungi ...
In Making Meaning out of Mountains, Mark Stoddart draws on interviews, field observations, and media analysis to explore how the ski industry in British Columbia has helped transform mountain environments and, in turn, how skiing has come ...