From cosmetic surgery to euthanasia, Daniel Sokol offers a unique insight into the world of medical ethics.
A former CEO, president, and chairperson of Hewlett-Packard traces her educational upsets before entering the business world, her struggles as a businesswoman in a male-dominated arena, her role in HP's controversial merger, and her public ...
Tough Choices demonstrates how structured paternalism can inform more egalitarian social policies, ones that acknowledge personal, social, and cultural differences as well as the challenges all individuals may face when they make a choice.
Tough Choices
This book helps us build Ethical Fitness®—a values-based decision-making process so definitive that it's now a registered trade mark.
This book helps us build Ethical Fitness®—a values-based decision-making process so definitive that it's now a registered trade mark.
Plays Without Endings: Tough Choices
Praise for the First Edition "Anyone who hopes to hold a job in the next several decades should read—if not memorize—this extraordinary report." —Norman R. Augustine, retired chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and chairman ...
What can parents do? In this book, ethics expert Rushworth Kidder shows how to customize interventions to a child's age and temperament.
This is the only scholarly account that offers sufficient detail to allow for extensive comparisons with unmarried mothers in the West.
This book, written by two reform rabbis, covers a wide range of topics relating to Jewish perspectives on social justice, including topics such as civil rights, Israel, anti-Semitism, the evolving...