An understanding of emotional intelligence can drastically improve your life. An awareness of the skill spectrum that emotional intelligence represents, is the first step in imbuing your life with the benefits that come with emotional intelligence. A working definition of emotional intelligence can also be developed by thinking of it in terms of the abilities of self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and motivation. The benefits of honing emotional intelligence skills are many, and these skills are essential for men and women working on teams, for those in leadership roles, in conversation, and for interaction in a social group. It almost goes without saying that emotional intelligence is important in relationships, especially considering the fact that EI is a component of normal human communication and social interaction. The truth is that nowadays, while normal people are still finding their own goal, people with high Emotional Intelligence are able to find great job and become leaders in their environment. This fact is due to the capability of these individuals to understand yourself and others through the mastery of emotions, anger management and improving their social skills. EI skills can be improved with practice, making emotional intelligence a skill set that you do not have to be stuck with. We are all born with some emotional intelligence traits, and we can improve these by training. Learning about emotional intelligence is the first step to being more emotionally intelligent. As you practice skills, like self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy, you will find behaving with emotional sensitivity becomes as natural as breathing. This book helps you to understand all facets and components of Emotional Intelligence from the frameworks to practical exercises to test your EQ. In this book you will learn: 1. The benefits of being emotionally intelligent 2. Understanding personality types 3. Raising your emotional cleverness 4. How emotional intelligence was in the past 5. Mastering your emotions to manage anger effectively 6. How the brain impacts your emotions? 7. Emotional intelligence and leadership 8. Recognizing and managing your emotions 9. Learn to deal with your feelings 10. Raising your emotional cleverness 11. Boosting emotional intelligence and much more... Do you want to become a leader of yourself?